Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So I'm sitting here picture surfing on flickr instead of taking my own... and I stumbled across a users profile. The photographer's name is Kevin Sanchez and I think I just spent over a half an hour look at his work. He mostly photographs people and usually women and they're taken at a lot of crazy angles, he seems very creative. Check it out!!


**UPDATE** Found another awesome site!! I just can't get enough web browsing today, it's like candy for some reason...


Here's hoping you don't get sucked in too! =P and if you do.. plz share your links with me. I'm picture hungry.


Mitch Asham said...

wow, he really does have some great stuff. I'm feeling his lighting style and use of ultra-wide angles


Mitch Asham said...

Thanks! I appreciate it considering that was a shot in desperation to fill the roll haha. I'm waiting to see some of your stuff service on the blog

Paolo Porquez said...

very unique angles for portraits but I guess he's able to present it very well and I like the look of his models the fact that they are not smiling brings more personality to it. Soon we could afford a lens for this im guessing its maybe a 10-22mm.