Thursday, December 18, 2008

Back by popular demand...

... and in no way a reflection of how I feel about the holidays...

Creepy fallen over santa!!

Note to anyone concerned: This is not my santa. Also, Santa's not dead. He's just taking a really really long nap in preparation for Christmas Eve ;)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Fun with lighting

I finally took advantage of the studio lights today and took some shots of my friend Alyssa. She asked me last week if we could get together and take a couple head shots for a portfolio she's working on and I pretty much jumped at the opportunity since I had been wanting to try out the studio lights and get a little more comfortable using them. Alyssa will be trying out for a spot on the next season of Canada's Next Top Model (using one of the shots from today!!), something that she's been thinking about for a while and finally going for.

We had a lot of fun with the shoot, minus a couple minor issues with the lighting at one point but we got that figured out (Thanks Craig & Amanda!) and I really got into the feel of portrait photography. I'm really happy I got to help Alyssa out with her portfolio and I can't wait to hear if makes the cut!
My guess is that she will =)

Here's a few faves from the day:

More from the shoot can be seen here: